PJ Hegarty recognises the benefits and importance of embracing technology. We encourage our staff to explore and embrace innovative technologies. Digital training is a fundamental part of each new project. By embracing technologies we are directly improving our safety and programme delivery. We continue to trial and invest in the latest technology including lazer scanning, drone surveying, CDE’s and field viewers .
BIM & Digital Construction
PJ Hegarty have extensive experience in coordinating, delivering & managing BIM projects at the construction stage. Our Company BIM procedures are accredited by the BSI to the latest BIM standard ISO 19650-1/2. As part of our BIM and Digital Construction process, we combine digital technologies and BIM as part of an ongoing drive to reduce risk, errors and improve quality during Construction.
At PJ Hegarty, we strive to become the market leader in digital construction. We believe that by using the right BIM processes and technologies as part of our digital construction approach that we can improve the performance and outcomes on projects for our Clients.
Some of the key benefits of BIM that we use to improve quality on our projects are :
- Visualisation
- 4D Planning & Site Logistics
- Coordination & Clash Detection
- Asset Information Model (AIM) for Handover Stage

Document Management Systems / Common Data Environment
At PJ Hegarty, we use Oracle Aconex as our primary document management system and we have dedicated Common Data Environment (CDE) on every project. This allows us to adopt a collaborative approach to the management of information on all our projects as we drive efficiency in design and construction coordination, project controls and cost management, document management, field management and Building Information Modelling (BIM).
All of our site teams access the document management systems and the field viewers application for real time safety & quality inspection, allowing full visibility on all aspects of the project.